Paper craft
2019년 3월 29일 금요일
2018년 5월 13일 일요일
Trivial but definite happiness!
Trivial but definite happiness!
Seasons are changing, and you also wanna be changed.
Then change your house or office with our Happy paper crafted animal.
Easy, but not that easy.
Small, but not that small.
You need only glue.
Then change your house or office with our Happy paper crafted animal.
Easy, but not that easy.
Small, but not that small.
You need only glue.
Make it and put it on your wall!
2017년 10월 29일 일요일
story telling tyrannosaurus papfer craft happy paper
아~함~ 잘 잤다.
안녕하세요? 내 이름은 티라노 사우루스!
공룡의 왕이지요.
지구에 사람이라는 동물이 나오기 훨씬 전인 백악기 (지금부터 약 1억 4,550만 년 전부터 6,600만 년 전까지)에 살았습니다.
A~ ham~
Hello~ everybody!
My name is Tyrannosaurus Rex.
The king of all dinosaur.
I had lived in earth long before human,the Cretaceour period (about 100 million years).
무섭게 생겼죠? 실제로 티라노사우루스는 가장 강한 육식 공룡이었습니다.
그래서 별명이 '폭군 도마뱀'이라고 불렸습니다.
Are you scared of me?
Actually, I am the strongest canivorous dynosaur.
So my nick name is Tirano lagarto.

1억년전의 제 모습입니다. 무섭지요?
하지만 이제는 티라노사우루스는 지구상에 존재하지 않아요.
지구와 충돌한 행성때문인지, 어느 화산의 거대한 폭발때문인지는 저도 몰라요.
사람들도 몰라요.
You see?
This is my figure before 100 million years, enough to scare you.
But I am not in earth anymore.
All dynosaurs are disappeared suddenly.
그렇지만 분명한 것은 사람들이 저, 티라노사우루스를 좋아합니다.
아마도 사람들이 상상하기도 어려운 1억년이라는 시간때문이겠지요.
길어야 100년을 살까 말까 하는 사람에게 1억년 전의 세계란 환상적인 세계이지요.
Apparently, people like me, the Tyrannosaurus.
Human like me because human and me had big time gap, 100 million years, maybe.
To human that live only 100 years, 100 million years is fantastic word
저한테 물리면 살아남기 어렵지요?
덩치도 컸습니다. 백악기에는 공기 중의 산소가 지금보다 3-5배가 많았습니다.
그래서 동물들의 덩치가 훨씬 컸습니다.
백악기의 잠자리는 지금의 독수리만했습니다.
I had very stron jaw.
Any animal be beaten by me could not survive.
I had big body because there are 3-5 times more oxygen in the Cretaceour period.
So all animals' body is much bigger than now.
나무들도 엄청 높게 자랐습니다.
티라노사우루스의 키도 5미터, 몸 길이는 13미터정도는 되었습니다.
그렇게 거대했던 공룡의 시대는 갑자기 세상이 화염덩어리가 되어 붉은 불빛 아래 사라졌습니다.
그리고 사람들이 찾아낸 저의 화석은 1억년 전의 일을 상상하게 합니다.
자 여러분,
저를 만들어 보세요!
그러면서 1억년전의 세계로 다시 돌아가봅시다.
Trees grew very high tall.
Tyrannosaurus grew 5 meter high, 13 meter long.
That big and great era of tyrannosaurus was disappeared suddenly under red fire light of flame.
After long long time, scientists found me fossiled, and people can imagine who I was.
OK, everybody,
Now it is time to make me again, paper craft with happy paper.
Then we go back to 100 millions ago!
Room decoration!
2017년 10월 24일 화요일
story telling of paper crafted rhinoceros of Africa
또 만났군요? 요즘 해피페이퍼 동물농장에 자주 들르시네요.
We meet again!
Thank you for coming again to our happypaer animal farm.
나는 코뿔소에요.
영어로는 Rhino라고 불리지만, 정식 명칭은 Rhinocero에요.
사람들은 나를 초원의 장갑차라고 부르지요.
두꺼운 가죽에다 천하무적의 코뿔이 앞에 달려 있어서 붙은 별명입니다.
I am rhino, or rhinoceros.
People call me armored car in green prairies.
My nick name bring them the image from thick and hard skin with nose horn.
내가 아프리카 초원을 거침없이 달릴 때는 사자나 코끼리도 함부로 하지 못해요.
제 코로 한 번 꽝~ 하려고 하면 모두 피하지요.
그런 나도 사람들이 마구 잡는 바람에 힘들었던 적도 있여요.
이제는 많은 국제 기구나 자원봉사자들이 나를 보호하기 위하여 노력하고 있습니다.
When I run african green field in full power, even lion or elephant can not stop me.
They are afraid of my nose horn.
Eventhough, I had hard time by men who wanted hunting me for my horn, relentlessly.
But now I feel more safe under the protection from many international facilities and voluntees.
코뿔소의 뿔은 몇 개일까요?
나는 두개 인데, 하나인 친구들도 있어요.
같지만 다른 친구들이지요.
어때요? 멋있지요. 내가 코뿔을 높이 세우고 당당하게 걸어가면 당당하다고 합니다.
How many horns I have, one or two?
I have two, and some of my friends have one.
Same name but different.
Nose up, and walk proudly!
How splendid I am?
People like watch me.
코뿔소에게 코가 자존심이듯이, 사람들의 자존심도 코라면서요?
콧대가 높다고 하는데, 주인님의 콧대는 어때요?
하기사 자존심을 낮출 이유가 없지요.
자 우리같이 고개 높이 들고 당당하게 걸어요.
Nose is a simbol of self-esteem, to rhino and also to human.
I have high nose, what about you?
There are no reason to low my nose.
OK, let's live and walk with hig nose.
아프리카의 초원은 나의 놀이터, 세상은 주인님의 놀이터!
벽에 나를 걸어놓고 당당해지는, 거침없이 세상을 달리는 꿈을 꿔요.
You see!
African vast prairie is my playground, the small world is your playground.
Hang me on your empty wall, and dream the world together!
제품 구매는 (to buy)
2017년 6월 4일 일요일
New way to enjoy origami Brachiosaurus
Product name : Brachiosaurus
Material : Eco-friend paper
Package : Box
Components : Assembly Kit 8 sheet, manual
Finished size : (Head) H460 * W800 mm,
Level : 3 hours
Use age : 8 year old
Origin : Republic of Korea
About Brachiosaurus
Brachiosaurus /ˌbrækiəˈsɔːrəs/ is a genus of sauropod dinosaur from the JurassicMorrison Formation of North America. It was first described by Elmer S. Riggs in 1903 from fossils found in the Grand River Canyon (now Colorado River) of western Colorado, in the United States. Riggs named the dinosaur Brachiosaurus altithorax, declaring it "the largest known dinosaur". Brachiosaurus had a disproportionately long neck, small skull, and large overall size, all of which are typical for sauropods. However, the proportions of Brachiosaurus are unlike most sauropods: the forelimbs were longer than the hindlimbs, which resulted in a steeply inclined trunk, and its tail was shorter in proportion to its neck than other sauropods of the Jurassic.
Brachiosaurus is the namesake genus of the family Brachiosauridae, which includes a handful of other similar sauropods. Much of what is known by laypeople about Brachiosaurus is in fact based on Giraffatitan brancai, a species of brachiosaurid dinosaur from the Tendaguru Formation of Tanzania that was originally described by German paleontologist Werner Janensch as a species of Brachiosaurus. Recent research shows that the differences between the type species of Brachiosaurus and the Tendaguru material are significant enough that the African material should be placed in a separate genus. Several other potential species of Brachiosaurus have been described from Africa and Europe, but none of them are thought to belong to Brachiosaurus at this time.
Brachiosaurus is one of the rarer sauropods of the Morrison Formation. The type specimen of B. altithorax is still the most complete specimen, and only a relative handful of other specimens are thought to belong to the genus. It is regarded as a high browser, probably cropping or nipping vegetation as high as possibly 9 metres (30 ft) off of the ground. Unlike other sauropods, and its depiction in the film Jurassic Park, it was unsuited for rearing on its hindlimbs. It has been used as an example of a dinosaur that was most likely ectothermic because of its large size and the corresponding need for forage, but more recent research finds it to have been warm-blooded. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
2017년 5월 25일 목요일
Paper craft Diy Giant Panda Bear
Product name : Panda
Material : Eco-friend paper
Package : Box
Components : Assembly Kit 12 sheet, manual
Finished size : (Head) H340 * W310 mm,
Level : 3 hours
Use age : 8 year old
Origin : Republic of Korea
About Panda
The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, literally "black and white cat-foot"; Chinese: 大熊猫; pinyin: dà xióng māo, literally "big bear cat"), also known as panda bear or simply panda, is a bear native to south central China. It is easily recognized by the large, distinctive black patches around its eyes, over the ears, and across its round body. The name "giant panda" is sometimes used to distinguish it from the unrelated red panda. Though it belongs to the order Carnivora, the giant panda's diet is over 99% bamboo. Giant pandas in the wild will occasionally eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in the form of birds, rodents or carrion. In captivity, they may receive honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared food. (
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The giant panda is a conservation reliant vulnerable species. A 2007 report showed 239 pandas living in captivity inside China and another 27 outside the country.[11] As of December 2014, 49 giant pandas lived in captivity outside China, living in 18 zoos in 13 different countries.[12] Wild population estimates vary; one estimate shows that there are about 1,590 individuals living in the wild, while a 2006 study via DNA analysis estimated that this figure could be as high as 2,000 to 3,000. Some reports also show that the number of giant pandas in the wild is on the rise. In March 2015, Mongabay stated that the wild giant panda population had increased by 268, or 16.8%, to 1,864 individuals. In 2016, the IUCN reclassified the species from "endangered" to "vulnerable" (it did not believe there was enough certainty yet to do so in 2008). (
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